Neighbourhood Commitments

Local Commitments and Volunteer Initiatives

Every year our team gives back to our community by volunteering with various groups, events and projects.

Below is a list of some of the organizations that we are a part of; if you are interested in getting involved please contact us, we would be happy to connect you!

Be Pet Aware

A community effort dedicated to raising awareness of weather-related harm to animals.

Within minutes, even mild weather can become fatal to unattended pets. Pets are safest at home. Whenever you see the Be Pet Aware sign, it will be a reminder to consider your furry friends. Seasonal attributes such as hot weather, fireworks, sunshine, ticks, snow, cold weather, rain, and more can affect our little ones. The goal of Be Pet Aware is to bring awareness to these issues.

Follow us for regular updates!

Looking for more information?

Please visit for additional resources and information.

London Lost Pets

A program our team created to help reunite furry family members and their families. It is basically an AMBER alert for pets.

When a furry family member has gone missing, or a member of the community has found a furry little one, the London Lost Pets program alerts shelters, rescue groups, and our followers on social media via the website, Facebook, and Twitter.

We would like to thank all of the marvelous participants who help us reconnect lost pets with their families. We wouldn’t have half of the success stories that we do without the help of this online community.

Looking to enlist in this program?

Lost or found a furry family member?

Please visit for more information.

Animal Welfare and Rescue Groups

We are happy to assist many such groups in the London area.

The following are organizations that we support weekly, if not daily, with the care of their furry little ones.

Click the links below to learn more about each rescue organization in our area. Neighbourhood Pet Clinic is here to help in any way we can! If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and our team will be happy to assist.

Paws United

London Animal Care Centre

Neighbourhood Pet Clinic Cleanup

Every spring we rally together a team of individuals to spend an afternoon cleaning up the green areas in our neighbourhood.

This initiative started in 2012 when our team was worried that the parks and recreational spaces, where our furry family members walk and play, were not as safe as they could be. An effort that has resulted in the collection of hundreds of pounds of litter, making these places safer for the neighbourhood to enjoy.

Interested in participating next Spring?


Animal Welfare Advisory Committee

City of London

One of our team members volunteers for this important community group as an active “friend” helping on sub-committees. The mandate of the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee is to advise the Municipal Council on issues relating to animal welfare within the City of London by conducting research, reporting on findings, and making recommendations to the Municipal Council relating to animal welfare for domestic animals, urban wildlife and animals for use in entertainment.

Click here to learn more.

Trap Neuter Return (TNR) Program

Our clinic is proud to be a past participant in this important initiative for animals in the city of London. Feral cats are the wild offspring of domestic cats that are primarily the result of pet owners’ abandonment, failure to confine or failure to spay or neuter their animals allowing them to breed uncontrolled. Feral cat colonies can be found in either rural or urban type areas. Feral cats are prolific breeders, they are elusive and do not trust humans. One female cat can have up to three litters per year, with up to five kittens per litter which in turn can start breeding in six months.

Click here to learn more.

Community Service Hours

We believe the more we contribute to our society, the better it will reflect those values that matter.

As a result, each member of our team is encouraged to volunteer some of their time to their favourite community charity. The clinic covers their wages while they are away and we all benefit from it – the charity, our team member, and our community/neighbourhood.

Drop us a line!

Complete the form below to email a message to our team. If this is an urgent situation, please call us directly at 519-649-0080.

You can also contact Blue Cross by Neighbourhood Pet Clinic here.

Request an appointment online!

We are happy to book an appointment for you. You can request an appointment online in minutes by clicking the button below. If this is an urgent situation, please call us directly at 519-649-0080.


851 Wonderland Road South
London, ON N6K 4T2

North London
(Old North)

746 Waterloo Street
London, ON N6A 3W3


2155 Richmond Street Unit 1,
London ON N5X 4B8

Blue Cross Animal Hospital

95 Wharncliffe Rd. South
London, ON N6J 2K2

Neighbourhood Pet Clinic logo

Three Locations + Mobile Unit Serving London, Ontario
Mailing Address: 746 Waterloo St, London Ontario N6A 3W3


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