Be Pet Aware
A community effort dedicated to raising awareness of weather-related harm to animals.

Be Pet Aware
A community effort dedicated to raising awareness of weather-related harm to animals.
Within minutes, even mild weather can become fatal to unattended pets. Pets are safest at home. Whenever you see the Be Pet Aware sign, it will be a reminder to consider your furry friends. Seasonal attributes such as hot weather, fireworks, sunshine, ticks, snow, cold weather, rain, and more can affect our little ones. The goal of Be Pet Aware is to bring awareness to these issues.
Interested in volunteering?
Follow us for regular updates!
Show your support:
Email and we will deliver a free window decal for your car or business.
If you are dealing with a dog or cat in distress trapped in a hot car, immediately call 911 and then the London Humane Society at 519-451-0630. Record the license plate, make and model of the car and then immediately go into the store or business and see if anyone can make an announcement with the information you have. Time is important as it only takes minutes for a car to warm up to life-threatening temperatures.

Our Efforts
We have asked business owners to donate parking spaces to the Be Pet Aware movement.
Members of Neighbourhood Pet Clinic will come to the business and paint the parking spaces for FREE. We are also asking businesses to display window stickers on the doors or store windows.
Email if you are interested in receiving a free window decal for your car or business.
This symbol is intended to be a reminder to remind shoppers to never leave their pets in a parked car while running errands. So far, we have gained the support of over sixteen businesses, and London Parking Division has agreed to donate all of their paid parking lots throughout the city!
Educational Resources
The following links will educate pet owners and even non-pet owners on how to help keep all furry family members safe!
Hot Cars and Your Pets
Click here to read the article.
Legal Implications of Leaving a Pet in a Hot Car
Click here to read the article.
Heat Stroke
Click here to read the article.
Summer Heat and Health Hazards
Click here to read the article.
Educational Videos
Two important videos on interior car temperatures and how fast they rise on normal summer days:
In The Media
London, Ontario’s Local Pet Clinic
The Westmount Neighbourhood Pet Clinic was established in December of 2008 in the beautiful Westmount area located in the Forest City of London, Ontario. Our newest addition, the North London Neighbourhood Pet Clinic, was opened in the Fall of 2016 just outside of the downtown London core. We provide veterinary care and grooming at both locations, as well as retail, food, and pharmacy products. We also offer delivery, shuttle, and mobile veterinary and in-home pet care services. Our focus is on cats and dogs, however, if you have questions about the health of other species, please contact us and we would be happy to point you in the right direction.
We are a fully equipped veterinary hospital with in-house laboratory services, digital radiograph and dental radiograph equipment, surgical suite, and an isolation unit. Our focus is on preventative medicine and partnering with you to make the best decisions for your furry little one. We welcome you to explore our website to learn more about the different ways that we can help with all of your furry family member’s needs!
Drop us a line!
Complete the form below to email a message to our team. If this is an urgent situation, please call us directly at 519-649-0080
Request an appointment online!
We are happy to book an appointment for you. You can request an appointment online in minutes by clicking the button below. If this is an urgent situation, please call us directly at 519-649-0080.
851 Wonderland Road South
London, ON N6K 4T2
North London
(Old North)
746 Waterloo Street
London, ON N6A 3W3
2155 Richmond Street Unit 1,
London ON N5X 4B8
Blue Cross Animal Hospital
95 Wharncliffe Rd. South
London, ON N6J 2K2

Four Locations + Pet Shuttle Serving London, Ontario
Mailing Address: 746 Waterloo St, London Ontario N6A 3W3
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